Dewald Memorial Library

ประกาศ: ช่วงปิดเทอม ห้องสมุดดิวอลด์เปิดบริการ วันจันทร์-ศุกร์ เวลา 8.00-17.00น. เท่านั้น

New Arrivals

Collections & Services

Books are shelved according to the Dewey decimal system except for books in the nursing collection which are shelved according to the National Library of medicine Classification system (NLM)


Rules for Library Loans
Library borrowing privileges are extended to Payap University students and staff, alumni and local church workers. Rules for library loans are as follows:

Loan quotas : The maximum number of books that a borrower may have on loan in any one time period is
1. Full time academic staff 20 items for one semester
2. Part time academic staff 15 items for two weeks
3. Graduate students 15 items for two weeks
4. Undergraduates 7 items for one week
5. Staff 7 items for one week

b. Materials overdue by more than one month will be treated as lost
c. The library reserves the right to recall borrowed material before the date due.
d. Materials on the open shelves of the library are for loan. Special collections may not be borrowed. Reference materials and periodicals are to be used in the Library only. To check out materials, kindly approach the library Circulation Counter.

Returns ,Renewals & Overdue

Books and reserve materials must be returned to the staff at the Circulation Counter. Do not leave materials unattended on the counter of Circulation Desk.

To renew your loans, it is necessary for you to come to the Library. Materials may not be renewed by telephone. Renewals by e-mail are not accepted. Books may not be renewed more than three times.

A fine per book per day is charged for late returns at the rate of 5 baht. You will not be charged for days the library is closed. Fines can be paid with cash at the circulation desk. Receipts are available.

Lost or Damage Book Policy

If an item is declared lost, the replacement cost of the item will be as follows:

- If the item is available for purchase, the replacement cost will be the cost of the item in the market, plus a processing fee of 20 baht.

- If the item is unavailable or out-of-print, the cost of the item will be determined by the Library, plus a processing fee of 20 baht.

Damaged books are treated as lost books


Reserve materials are shelved at the circulation desk. We shelve reserve books mainly by names of instructors. Loan periods for reserve materials vary. Remember to return reserve materials to the staff at the Circulation Desk.


Dewald Memorial Library provides 15 computers and a printer for users to conduct research using the automated catalog, online databases and the internet. Each computer contains Microsoft Word and Libronix / logos Works.

Conduct in the library

a. Users should be responsible for their conduct inside the Library. Any person not behaving appropriately may be asked to leave the Library.

b. Users are forbidden to drink beverages, eat, smoke, sleep or talk in a voice.

c. Mobile phones are not allowed.

d. Users are expected to protect the Library’s materials in their procession and to return them directly to the Library by the date due.

e. Users are responsible for their valuables. The Library is not responsible for damage or theft of their personal items.

f. Library materials shall not be removed from the Library unless a loan transaction has been carried out.

Inter- Library Loans

If the Dewald Memorial Library does not have the book that you wish to use, it is possible that the staff can locate that book at another library and borrow it from that library for you. It Inter -Library loan processing does take time and how long it takes depends on many factors. Requests may be made in the Library. This service is restricted to current students and faculty of Payap University.

Guest Users

Dewald Memorial Library is open to the general public.
All guest users must sign in at the Circulation Counter and present valid photo identification.

Contact us

Address: Dewald Memorial Library,
Payap University, A. Muang, Chiang Mai, 50000, Thailand
E-mail :
Phone: 053 241 255 ext.6202

Dewald Memorial Library

is the branch library of the Central library of Payap University. It supports the information needs of students and faculty of the McGilvary College of Divinity, The McCormick Faculty of Nursing and the Department of Music. It is located on the third floor of Theology Building, Kaew Nawarat Campus.

Library Hours

Monday through Thursday 8.00 a.m. to 21.00 p.m.
Friday 8.00 a.m. to 17.00 p.m.
Weekends Closed
Holidays Closed
Break Weeks 8.00 a.m. to 17.00 p.m.
Contact Us
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เบอร์โทร 053-241255 ต่อ 6202
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